El sueño de la boda

I have never dreamt about my wedding day nor am I that cliché girl that everyone speaks of… You know the “little girls always dream of their wedding day” I was never one of those girls however when I did think about my wedding I always pictured my parents being present for it.

We have been engaged for two going on three years and we have now begun the planning process. We found the perfect little chapel to get married in and now I need to begin the serious dress shopping and begin bridal boot camp! It sounds dumb since we have been together for so long and to now think of my health and fitness but I want to start my marriage on a healthy note.

I am very lucky to have two supporting sisters who always look out for my best interest and that I am not alone with missing our parent(s) on the big day. I had the choice of either walking down the isle by myself or ask someone to walk me to replace that empty spot but the one option I never considered were my sisters until it found out how important it was to my older sister Flaca. I felt honored that she opened up to me and expressed that it would make her day to walk me down the isle. Although I act my title of being the youngest, the baby of the family and we all may not see eye to eye, my sisters are my rock and will always be there for me. I am blessed to have them in my life.



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