Father’s Day…

I can think of several Mother’s Day memories but not one of my father on Father’s Day and that really hurts. He was the most important person in my life and I valued his thoughts, his beliefs and his goals for us as his daughters. He had a huge impact on me but yet my memories are limited. I wish we had family videos because I would be that person out of the movies who on sad or rainy days would want to put in the VHS to recap those memories. I do not even have photos to be able to go through. I wish my mind would work like a movie and rewind to the good memories and fast forward the loss we endured because as strong as I tried to appear the weaker I really was.

If I could be granted one wish I would want one hour with him to feel him embrace me and tell me he’s okay and he’s much better where he is and that he believes in all of us. If only wishes came true 😦

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